Gasoline is a highly flammable mixture of light hydrocarbons with a boiling point from 33 to 2O5 degrees and belongs to light petroleum products. The average density is about 0.71 g / cm3. The freezing point is about minus 70 degrees. Gasoline is obtained by selecting light fractions of oil at certain temperatures, or separating fractions with the inclusion of heavy ones with their further distillation to exclude paraffins. Gasolines differ not only in quality, but also in grade. Grade refers to a clear division of the product by octane number. There are the following types of gasoline: ECO-93, REGULAR-92, PREMIUM-95
The quality of gasoline depends on the presence of negative additives, resins, paraffins and other compounds left after sublimation, as well as on the introduction of detergents that clean the fuel system.


Not only a flammable liquid, but also its vapors can cause poisoning, therefore, according to ADR, it belongs to the cargo of the 3rd class of hazard. Transportation of gasoline has the status of transit of dangerous goods, to which the relevant rules of transportation of gasoline apply. Delivery of gasoline is carried out by special transport, namely fuel trucks. According to the regulatory documents, the transportation of fuel trucks must be carried out in tanks painted in orange with the required markings and hazard signs. Transportation of gasoline by road has the following nuance, namely, that you need to take a very responsible approach to loading and unloading. Due to fluctuations in the external temperature, the volume of the product may change and there may be a mismatch between delivery and acceptance.